Rehearsal March 26th

We are rehearsing at the Center for the Arts at 33 Hawley Street, Northampton, from 3-5pm on Sunday, February 26.

Rehearsals are open to the public and potential band members. You’ll find us in a large room on the lower level.

First Night Northamtpon

Join us to the kickoff for First Night Northampton. 11:15am for a short parade around town and finishing at the Academy of Music.

Also at 2pm at Bishops Lounge.

Hartsbrook Fall Fair, November 19th

We play for an hour (1 p.m.-2 p.m.) at the Hartsbrook Fall Fair on Saturday, November 19th.

Hot Chocolate Run for Safe Passage

The Hot Chocolate Run is a community celebration of Safe Passage, the Hampshire County organization addressing domestic violence.
Date: Sunday, December 4, 2022
Starts at: 9:00 AM EST
Ends at: 12:00 PM EST

Rehearsal, October 23rd, 12:30-2:30pm

On Sunday from 12:30-2:30 we will be rehearsing at Mains Field, Florence.

Rehearsals are open to the public and potential band members.

Images from Honk 2022

Photos by Michael Hall:

Expandable Brass Band

Expandable Brass Band

Expandable Brass Band

The following photos by Greg Cook:


Rag Shag Parade, Monday October 31st

Join us for the Florence Rag Shag Parade on Monday October 31st from 5-8pm. Starts at Trinity Row Park in Florence

Northampton Jazz Festival, October 1st

Join us for the Northampton Jazz Festival on Saturday, October 1st 2022 at 11:15am.

Honk Festival, Somerville

Join us for the 17th Honk Festival in Somerville, Saturday, October 8, 2022

Doozydo Parade

11-noon the parade will march up Main St. to Pulaski Park from 33 Hawley St. Saturday, September 17th